Challenges in Managing and Preventing Pain

Consensus-based approach to managing opioids, including opioid misuse and opioid use disorder, in patients with serious illness

PI: Jessica Merlin, MD, PhD, MBA

Grantor: Cambia Health Foundation

Project Summary

In this Delphi study, we will survey clinician members of the American Academy of Hospice (AAHPM), Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association (HPNA), and Palliative Medicine and Palliative Care Research Cooperative Group (PCRC) through an internet-based survey as part of a greater initiative to develop consensus approaches to safe and effective opioid prescribing for pain in ambulatory palliative care settings.

The Specific Aims of this project are:

  1. Systematically develop consensus about balancing pain management with addressing opioid misuse and OUD in patients with serious illness in ambulatory palliative care settings,
  2. Disseminate results to key national stakeholders to gain broader buy-in and endorsement,
  3. Disseminate these consensus approaches by developing an implementation toolkit and dissemination plan (in collaboration with the Center to Advance Palliative Care, CAPC).


King C, Arnold R Dao E, Kapo J, Liebschutz J, Meier D, Paice J, Ritchie C, Czajkowski K, Khodyakov D, Merlin J. Consensus-based approach to managing opioids, including opioid misuse and opioid use disorder, in patients with serious illness: protocol for a modified Delphi processBMJ Open. 2021; 11(5): e045402. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045402. PubMed PID: 34011593; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC8137210.

Merlin JS, Khodyakov D, Arnold R, et al. Expert Panel Consensus on Management of Advanced Cancer–Related Pain in Individuals With Opioid Use Disorder. JAMA Netw Open. 2021;4(12):e2139968. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.39968.